Find The Option That's Right For Your Family
The best way for you to determine whether or not your estate plan should include a will, a living trust, or some combination of the two is to meet with us as your for a Family Wealth Planning Session™. During this process, we'll take you through an analysis of your assets, what's most important to you, and what will happen to your loved ones when you become incapacitated or die.
What to Expect During Your
Family Wealth Planning Session
We have blocked two hours off on our calendar for your planning session. Please plan to be here for the full two hours so that you can get the most out of your Family Wealth Planning Session. If this will not be possible during the time you scheduled, please give us a call so we can reschedule.
I will expect to meet with you and with anyone else you will be planning with such as your spouse or life partner. Please make sure all parties will be available during the meeting time so that you can make the most of your Planning Session.
Your meeting will begin with me sharing some of my background and history. We'll then walk through “what would happen” if something were to happen to you now. You'll let me know if “what would happen” is okay with you or not. If it's not, I will help you design a plan to ensure your family will have as little to worry about as possible if something happens to you.
You will get the most out of your personal Family Wealth Planning Session if you are prepared.
First, you will want to complete the Personal Resource Mapwork as best you can. The link is included in the same email as this welcome package. Don't worry if you don't know all the details we've asked for, it's a great starting point for you to get your affairs organized. We realize that for many people this is a starting point. We are going to make organization even easier for you after you meet with us. Please complete the Personal Resource Map at least three days before your scheduled meeting so your lawyer will have an opportunity to thoroughly review your information and will be ready to advise you when you come for your meeting.
Next, you will want to begin gathering bank account statements, brokerage statements, out of state property deeds, life insurance information, corporate records books (if you are a business owner), and retirement plan statements. Don't worry if you can't find everything. Again, this is just a starting point and we will help you gather everything you need throughout our process. Please keep all the documents together and be sure to bring the folder to your planning session. Now would also be a good time to request beneficiary designation change forms from your insurance company, retirement account custodians, or from your HR department if you have work-related benefits. While you won't need those right away, you will need them eventually and starting now can't hurt.
Contact us today to receive your free estate planning consultation!